On September 16-23, 2012, with the support of the Federal Space Agency there took place the second International Satellite Navigation School. The organizers were OJSC “Russian Space Systems”, Moscow Aviation Institute, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, OJSC “NIS GLONASS”, the Association “GLONASS/GNSS-Forum”.
The School was held in the Ryazan region – an advanced region of Russia in terms of the introduction of the GLONASS system. The gala opening of the School timed for the 155 anniversary from the birth of the theorist and founder of astronautics K. Tsiolkovsky was in his museum house in the village Izhevskoye, the Ryazan area.
The heads of the leading enterprises of the space-rocket industry, the representatives of the regional authorities and the head of a permanent mission of the European Space Agency in Russia congratulated the visitors on the start of the School, the pilot-cosmonaut, the hero of the Soviet Union A. Berezovoy delivered a welcoming address.
I. Brindikova, a deputy general director of OJSC “Russian Space Systems”, said: “GLONASS is both necessary and profitable. It is necessary in terms of safety. It is profitable in terms of social and economic development. GLONASS is the most important innovative project of the modern Russia enabling to be proud of both our intelligence and our scientific potential. That fact is symbolical that the gala opening of the School is tamed for the 155-years anniversary from the birth of the great innovator in the history of the mankind Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. His words that a basis of all reasonable and good acts and our well-being are knowledge must become a motto when holding the School”.
The training program has been developed in a view of the successful experience of holding the first School in 2011. The audience was delivered with the series of lectures on the application of satellite navigation technologies, the use of the earth remote sensing technologies, a number of practical classes on the solution of problems of geodesy, cadastre and land management, traffic management, monitoring of construction units and engineering constructions.
The series of lectures was opened by G. Stupak, deputy general director–general designer of OJSC “Russian Space Systems” and deputy general designer of the GLONASS system, who in his lecture provided an historical reference on the creation and development of GLONASS, made a review of the current condition of the satellite system and the ways of its further development.
The lecture on airspace systems of the Earth remote sensing was delivered by V. Selinin, deputy general director–general designer of OJSC “Russian Space Systems”. The audience received first-hand information on the purposes and tasks of the development of the Russian system of the Earth remote sensing for the period till 2025, and also on the integrated application of the GLONASS and remote sensing data.
The professor of Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography and the executive director of the Association “GLONASS/GNSS-Forum” A. Kupriyanov delivered a lecture on the theme: “Application of global satellite navigation systems to solve the tasks of high-precision positioning”. A review of precision ranges for various satellite methods and technologies, new technical solutions for the use of accurate ephemerid information and corrections of time scales directly in high-precision equipment of the consumer took a special place at the lecture.
The representatives of Rusnavgeoset Ltd., the joint venture of OJSC “Russian Space Systems” and the company “Trimble” (one of the leading manufacturers of GLONASS/GPS receivers) shared information on the creation of base stations networks on the basis of the GLONASS/GPS professional high-precision satellite equipment in Russia.
Besides of the above-mentioned organizations, the sessions were lead by the experts of FSUE “TsNIIMash”, Moscow Aviation Institute, the companies group “M2M telematics”, Moscow Auto-road State Technical University, K.A. Timiryazev RGAU-MSKhA and other organizations.
The interest in the School from domestic and foreign organizations has considerably grown in comparison with 2011. Training has been provided for 56 experts from 12 regions of Russia and Kazakhstan as well.