On September 14-24, 2015 the 5th International School on Satellite Navigation, aimed at the popularization of GLONASS modern opportunities, development of navigation services and practical application of geo-information technologies, took place in Moscow. The organizer was JSC Russian Space Systems (RSS, a part of URSC) responsible for the creation and further development of the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS. Roscosmos, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) and LLC ProfConferences assisted in holding the 5th School.
The 5th International School on Satellite Navigation was attended by over 60 specialists of domestic and foreign companies and organizations using technologies of satellite navigation and Earth remote probing, introducing systems based on them and providing navigation and geo-information services to consumers. The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia was chosen as a venue. The trainers were specialists of enterprises and organizations of the rocket and space industry, as well as professors of higher education institutions.
The School classes were focused on qualitatively increasing the level of knowledge and practical skills in the field of the creation, operation principles, development prospects of satellite navigation technologies, primarily GLONASS. The attendees were taught to use navigation and geo-information data in complex engineering construction monitoring, transport, law enforcement, geodesy, cadaster, exploration. Beside this, the important issues of legal and technical regulations in the field of navigation activities were covered. Along with workshops on basic application areas of navigation technologies, the 5th School’s curriculum included topics about such new directions as video-navigation and indoor navigation as functional additions to GLONASS/GPS, as well as private astronautics.
The Deputy CEO of Russian Space Systems for Science Alexei ROMANOV:
“The Federal Space Agency places a high value on holding the School. As the development of the GLONASS system is a serious factor of enhancing the national security and economic cooperation. Developing with the industry, the School expands its curriculum. In cooperation with leading specialized higher education institutions we bring important and reliable information about satellite systems and their application areas to the notice of the School’s attendees and media”.
The Chief of Russian Space Systems Innovative Center Alexander KOCHETKOV:
“The unique International School on Satellite Navigation allows upgrading skills of specialists working with GLONASS. It breaks new ground for navigation technologies, as well as will help widen their application field.”
The classes were conducted in the form of workshops and practical studies by leading specialists in the field of developing and applying navigation equipment and space technologies, among which were representatives of JSC Russian Space Systems, NP GLONASS, GLONASS/GNSS-Forum Association, SPC RECORD, Russian Public Institute of Navigation, SRP Center “Priroda”, SOKB “Vector”, Internavigation RTC, MIIGAiK, MAI, BMSTU, SpaceTeam Holding, DB Navis, Spirit-Navigation, VISTAR, Skaut and other companies.
For five years of its work 245 satellite navigation specialists, representing companies and organizations of Russia and other countries, have left the School.
JSC Russian Space Systems (a part of URSC) specializes in developing, producing and using space information systems. The main business areas are creation, development and use of the GLONASS global navigation system; search-and-rescue space systems, meteorology, radio-technical support to space scientific research; ground points of receiving and processing Earth remote sensing data. The integrated structure of Russian Space Systems unites leading enterprises Russian space engineering: Research Institute of Precision Instruments (JSC NII TP), Science and Production Association of Measuring Technics (JSC NPO IT), Research Institute of Physical Measurements (JSC NIIFI), Special Design Office of MEI (JSC OKB MEI) and Scientific and Production Organization “Orion” (JSC NPO “Orion”).