On May, 2013, in Nizhniy Novgorod with the assistance of Professional Conferences there took place a lecture of Michio Kaku “The physics of the future: how will science have changed day-to-day life by 2100”. The audience of the lecture consisted of employees of the bank and its biggest clients.
In his lecture doctor Michio Kaku told about the opinion of over 300 world-leading scientists on what will take place in the future, what progress will be achieved in the field of computer technologies, telecommunications, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies and how artificial intelligence will impact on business, finance and human lifestyle. It should be noted that many of the scientists are Nobel Prize-winners and “are inventing” the future in their laboratories. All of their striking predictions were included in the book “The physics of the future: how will science have changed day-to-day life by 2100” that is a bestseller according to the New York Times.