The main aim of the conference was discussion of topical problems and advanced achievements in the field of the creation, introduction and operation of monitoring and controlling systems for municipal transport. The conference specially focused on the use of satellite navigation technologies and equipment.
The conference was moderated by Aleksey Gorbachyov – head of the research laboratory of

Petersburg State University of Means of Communications. In his report “The automation of controlling the urban electric transport” he told about that at the present time there is an acute problem on the qualitative use of big information volumes which are processed by companies of the urban electric transport in the system of document circulation. The most important operative task is traffic organization and control. A module was developed to solve the task. The module is a program to draw up automatically a traffic schedule. It allowed automatically drawing up orders for drivers and conductors. Recording transport work fulfillment is realized on the basis of the GLONASS/GPS onboard modules. The system makes it possible to fully automate the document circulation for traffic organization and gives a possibility for continuous control.

In his report “Mediacab: new possibilities for modern taxi companies” Mikhail Gorin – Executive Director of Mediacab Ltd. – said that Mediacab tries to enhance the quality of its services and is developing a complex in accordance with the requirements and recommendations reflected in the document “The immediate arrangements on the implementation of main directions of the development of taxi transport in the city of Moscow”. Also within the report he offered a solution that will make it possible, with more and more strict competition in the market, not only to hold the existing positions with confidence but to actively attract new consumers.
In his report “Confirmation of the accordance of the navigation equipment mounted in the modern urban transport” deputy head of the Research department of scientific work, FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Vyacheslav Fedotov justifies the need to confirm the accordance of the navigation equipment mounted in the modern urban transport through tests to approve a type of measuring facility with the use of the equipment in the sphere of state regulation of the ensuring of measurement unity specified in the federal law dated June 26, 2008, No.102 “On ensuring of measurement unity” (№ 102-ФЗ).
Vadim Mukhamedzyanov – a brand manager of Meta System Rus – made the report

“Automobile telematic terminals” in which he presented the available line of the automobile terminals. Specially for the Russian market the specialists of the company, a OEM-vendor for leading world-wide manufacturers, do researches on analysis and reconstruction of a traffic accident, and also participate in the development the normative base of the ERA-GLONASS project.
The conference was attended by representative of state bodies responsible for the introduction of innovative technologies into the urban transport economy, heads and specialists of transport organizations responsible for the development and operation of information technology systems, companies developing and delivering complex information systems, software and terminal equipment, representatives of designing and research transport organizations of the Russian Federation.
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