Success philosophy: overcoming the impossible

On October 19, 2012, in Moscow with the assistance of Professional Conferences and at the invitation of OJSC “Sberbank” it was ErikWeihenmayer, a mountain climber from the USA, who delivered a lecture. The subject of the lecture is Success Philosophy: Overcoming the Impossible. The lecture was attended by the students and professors of leading higher schools of Moscow, and also the employees of Sberbank.
Erik was born in 1968 in Hightstown, New-Jersey, with a diagnosis of a birth retina defect, and by 13 years he had lost his sight fully. Nevertheless a former teacher of a secondary school, an American, ErikWeihenmayer has become the first blind man in the history who has conquered the 8 most high mountain peaks in the 7 continents and thus has fulfilled the difficultly achievable and famous among climbers program “The 7 peaks of the world”. Erik first tried on a mountain climber helmet in a sports camp for the blind where together with his peers he got to know climbing that soon became his serious passion.
In 1995 Erik aimed to fulfill the famous program “The 7 peaks of the world”, which had been coped with by only about one hundred physically healthy brave men before him.