19 December 2013
Will robots be able to replace humans on the stage?

For the first time in Moscow, only on May 12-14, 2014! "Compressorhead" heavy metal robot rock-band will perform for you at Expocentre Fairgrounds in the framework of the project "Service Robots and Robotics Technologies". The band consists of three robots, one of them, by name Stickboy, plays the drums, the second one - Fingers (it has 78 fingers!) plays the guitar, and the third one - Bones plays the bass guitar. the four-hand robot drummer Stickboy is considered to be the brightest member of the band. Stickboy's creator is Frank Barnes from German robotics company "Robocross". Four hands of the robot, its two legs and its Mohawk head are driven by a pneumatic system using compressed air. According to available information, now Stickboy robot can drum 8 different melodies, among them there are such well-known tunes, as TNT by AC/DC, Bullet in the Head by Rage Against the Machine and others. And just recently, on the web, the video appeared, in which Compressorhead performed the song of all time "Ace of Spades" by Motorhead. The tickets to their show in Europe are sold out long before the performance. Who plays better, a human or a robot? You have the opportunity to see with your own eyes very soon! More about the event.