On November 14, 2013, with the assistance of Professional Conferences, Israeli conductor, Itay Talgam, gave his workshop "Styles of Leadership and Collaboration" at Radisson Royal Hotel within the framework of the meeting of MegaFon regional branch directors.
The purpose of Itay Talgam's workshop is to help develop the interpersonal collaboration of company employees in the process of their performance and identify leadership abilities of each employee. The main focus of the workshop was on reviewing different management styles and exercising mutual support.
Itay Talgam, the renowned conductor in Israel and European countries, has a unique talent to transfer his music achievements to business organizing. Through the example of a symphony orchestra's performance, by means of imagination, he inspires company managers to collaborate in order to solve different issues in business.
A conductor of any orchestra faces the ultimate leadership challenge: creating perfect harmony without saying a word. During his unique workshop Itay Talgam demonstrates the most important management principles by the example of individual conducting styles of six great maestros of the twentieth century.
The Press Office, Professional Conferences